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Lower Bowel Assistant

This is a formula that with due time & diligence will assist in the repair of the intestinal tract, it will assist to break up the hardened fecal matter. When it comes to “pooping” no 2 people are alike. So we start with 3 capsules 3x per day, taking 3 capsules morning, noon & night but if you need more take more, whatever it takes to get the desired results. Desired result is 2‐3 bowel movements per day or to have a bowel movement within an hour after each meal. If one doesn’t experience a dramatic bowel movement after the 1st day, then increase LBA capsules by one each time you take them, do this each day until you experience a dramatic excretion & if by chance one experiences severe diarrhea &/or severe abdominal cramping simply reduce dosage by 1 capsule When the LBA works its way to the outside walls of the intestines and breaks loose some of the hardened fecal matter, the old matter will fall into the intestines and begin to clog the tract; if this happens remember to intensify your use of the Lower Bowel Assistant to take the necessary amount to break it loose.

Lower Bowel Assistant

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