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Miraculous Minerals

It’s truly a miraculous supplement that everyone can benefit from, seeing the lack of minerals in today’s food supply. It’s made of colloidal sized particles of soft rock phosphate, which means it’ll be fully assimilated. It’s naturally rich in phosphate, calcium and iron with traces of other minerals. It has an assortment of approximately 66 minerals in the phosphate form, which means that it’ll be readily available to the body, regardless of one’s digestion! Miraculous Minerals is excellent for bones, teeth and fingernails. Ridges upon one’s fingernails, Tooth decay, and cavities are a direct result of a deficiency of the kind of minerals in Miraculous Minerals, pregnant women and women of childbearing age also need an abundance of these minerals.Use it everyday to mineralize or re-mineralize the body.

Miraculous Minerals

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